31 January 2009


Yes!!! the monitor is the best part!!

I want this album!

This video reminds me my two bands, is kind of a series production like Apanhador So + signatures by Levitan e os Tripulantes

Com a Apanhador eh o seguinte, fazemos tudo: cortamos os papeis (esta geralmente eh minha funcao), dobramos, fazemos as bolsinhas pros cds (parte do felipe, ja que requer paciencia e pouco perfeccionismo, o que permite que bebado ou nao, elas vao ficar maravilhosas), cortamos os barbantes , fazemos os lacinhos e, principalmente, carimbamos!! (nesta hora entra todo mundo da banda mais convidados e menos eu, pois nao tenho forca suficiente. eles se revezam a todo minuto, pois a funcao eh mesmo cansativa, reclamam de dor no pulso e nao poder tocar depois e o mais frustrante eh que mesmo com todo o esforco tem algumas que ainda sao reprovadas na revisao final..) 

olha o kit completo, vale o suor, nao? 

com o Levitan e os Tripulantes eh tudo mais simples, mandamos fazer tudo numa grafica e depois ficava ao cargo do meu pai, o capitao de trupe, assinar os pequeninos!


tudo lindo! mas oh, a manufatura toda mudou, agora nao eh mais assim, isso foi antes, agora a Apanhador ganhou o premio do Fumproarte e ta la (eh que eu to aqui) gravando o disco inteirinho no Fruet (eu gravei tb tudinho quando fui pro Brasil) e desta vez convidamos o talentosissimo Gummo pra fazer a arte do disco e esta sera TODA IMPRESSA no final! 

os Tripulantes tambem tem o novo disco quase pronto, eu ja tinha gravado minha parte antes de vir pra ca e agora quando fui so degustei o prazer de escutar as epicas, grandiosas e cinematograficas musicas! Agora quanto a capa, acho que manteremos as assinaturas, ne pai? Eh ele quem manda!

New albums are coming soon, we can wait!

Esperemos ansiosos!!

santana and clapton

engracado e ridiculo!
clever, witty and a waste of time. :)


Stockhausen said, but not many people believed.. not at this time.
He said the attack on Twin Towers was 'the greatest work of Art on the entire cosmos'!! uou, in that case I prefered his music.
You can read his argument on this website and you'll understand his point of view. Which I agree in some point, specially about the impact and about the global chock on people, is definitely a great piece of music, too ambitious and sad for me, but an effective work: memorable, different, surprisedly (art)work.

well.. but I am not interested in carry on with this discussion, if we agree or not is not the point.
I would like to show some others great images now.

perhaps this link will sounds like a big jump from one idea to another.. but I'm sure you will get the point without more explanations..
so, look at those images about a ship accident in rough seas of Sussex cost.

an amazing view!!
I found about that on Benedict Drew's blog, as an new research. Follow this link to read more and to watch the video on BBC. Please, watch that video!

(coincidentally one year before the same thing happened...)

uma pausa de mil compassos

uff! vou respirar um pouquinho.. muito ingles, muito ingles..
o esforco eh triplicado quando eu resolvo escrever em ingles.. uma pausa sim senhor. 
vou ali pegar mais um cha e ja volto!

ta aqui, ele eh de hortela. tri bom!

isso me lembrou um episodio que aconteceu aqui em londres, logo numa das primeiras vezes que fui ensaiar com um grupo de gente que eu nao conhecia direito e teve uma cena engracada. O guitarrista e vocalista era um cara estranho, meio interessante, usava botas de esquimo, uns olhos verdes e um cabelo esquisito. meio bonito e bem porquinho..
a gente comecou a tocar, eu na bateria e mais uma guitarra e um baixo, e tava rolando tudo bem! eles estavam apresentando pra mim e pro baixista as musicas e a gente ia improvisando. tudo rolando tranquilamente e depois mais emocionadamente e o rockenroll comecou a pegar, pessoal comecou a suar, principalmente o guitarrista com botas de esquimo.
o papo tambem acontecia entre uma musica e outra e numa dessas paradas ele cospe na mao e a baba fica pendurada e ele passa o blusao pra limpar e fica tudo meio no ar, pois era ele que tava falando.. uma beleza! aqui em londres ninguem diz nada. continuamos conversando sobre as musicas e tocando. 
depois de muito rockenroll o cara (esse mesmo) pergunta se o pessoal nao quer um cha com leite.. ???

uma pausa again..

essa historia aconteceu la no inicio de 2008, confesso que agora ta tudo normal, mas perala! essa mistura de cuspir na mao com tomar cha nao fazia muito sentido.. eu esperava uma cerveja, no minimo!

fim do post.

ps: pelo jeito em portugues eu falo bem mais...

28 January 2009

will the tablets suit you?

Most people taking the tablets find they cause them no problems. Children and the elderly are more prone to side effects. The most common side effect is drowsiness. This drowsiness can be helpful if symptoms are particularly troublesome at night.

Occasionally some people may have difficulty concentrating: blurred vision; loss of appetite, indigestion or upset stomach, feeling or being sick; diarrhoea, tummy pain; liver inflammation (which may make you feel weak, sick and turn yellow); difficulty in passing water; headaches; dry mouth; dizziness, palpitations (feeling your heart beat), fast or irregular heart beat, low blood disorders (anaemia); allergic reactions including itchy rash, skin peeling, and sensitivity to the sun; twitching, muscular weakness and inco-ordination; ringing in the ears; depression (low mood); irritability or nightmares; children may become excited and the elderly may become very confused.

If you are concerned about these effects, or if the tablets affect you in any other way, stop taking them and talk to your doctor or pharmacist.

Further information

Store below 30°C
Do not use the tablets after the ‘Use by end of’ date shown on the pack.

Keep all medicines out of the reach and sight of children.

25 January 2009


like you can see this blog is a work in progress.. I've just started, so I am increasing quite slowly, as I'm intending to develop those ideas more clearly. For now, I am only posting things that I've been researching. 
There are many things I would like to share, some will be in English, some in Portuguese, maybe all tudogether, thats sounds better ou entao one behind to do outro, algo assim.


I am attaching this video I made for my music course. On this video by Andrei Tarkosvky I worked on the sound design suggesting a new connotation for the film, altering for a comic approach with a subtle moody. The soundtrack is a choro called in Portuguese chorinho gostoso (nice cry). (that is a very good translation!) ;)

ubu website

Its a shame I can't stay in front of the computer forever..
I need to eat, to go out for a walk, to see the rain, to play some songs, to have fun, etc.. I HAVE to do all those things..
Its a shame..

If I could, I would staring all day long surfing on ubu website
of course, I would need loads and loads of coffee to stand all that, some of those things are completely monotonous, which surprise me of how people can do such a boring work!

tonight I was listening to the radio while I was reading something else. I could do that easily, as they were only spitting and doing some disgusting noises with saliva.. download the poadcast, I recommend, is less repulsive.

24 January 2009

'We get infinitely more pleasure imagining combinations of the sounds of trolleys, autos and other vehicles, and loud crowds, than listening once more, for instance, to the heroic or pastoral symphonies. (…) Every manifestation of our life is accompanied by noise. (…) Sound, alien to our life, always musical and a thing unto itself, an occasional but unnecessary element has become to our ears what an overfamiliar face is to our eyes.'

Luigi Russolo, 1967

more john cage:

23 January 2009


John Cage, after visiting one an anechoic chamber, completes: “there is no such thing as silence”, although, if silence does not exist, ‘duration’ is the only characteristic of sound that is measurable in terms of silence. The realization as he saw, led him to compose his most notorious piece 4’33’’ that he describes as: “small units of silent rhythmic durations” which, when summed, equaled the duration of the title. 

here is the perform of David Tudor, the first who present the piece. (John Cage's voice and a very useful subtitles..)

years later at Barbican...
he definitely would be very pleased!!