23 January 2009


John Cage, after visiting one an anechoic chamber, completes: “there is no such thing as silence”, although, if silence does not exist, ‘duration’ is the only characteristic of sound that is measurable in terms of silence. The realization as he saw, led him to compose his most notorious piece 4’33’’ that he describes as: “small units of silent rhythmic durations” which, when summed, equaled the duration of the title. 

here is the perform of David Tudor, the first who present the piece. (John Cage's voice and a very useful subtitles..)

years later at Barbican...
he definitely would be very pleased!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

a uns 4 anos atrás, comecei a ler um livro chamado "O ouvido pensante" e ele justamente cita isso que o Cage falou e o resto da teoria dizendo q mesmo uma pessoa estando em uma sala acústica, isolada de qualquer barulho externo e sem fazer nenhum barulho interno, era impossivel ela estar em silêncio visto que ainda era possível ouvir o agudo do sistema nervoso e o grave da circulação sanguínea.

preeeeeeeetty cooooool!!
