8 January 2010

For the blind man in the dark room looking for the black cat that isn’t there

I love it!!
mess mess mess!

from 2 to 31 Jan 2010

"A mathematician is like a blind man in a dark room looking for a black cat that isn’t there." Attributed to Charles Darwin

The ICA is proud to present the acclaimed international group exhibition For the blind man in the dark room looking for the black cat that isn't there, which features works by over twenty modern and contemporary artists, including still lifes by Giorgio Morandi, a celebrated film by Fischli & Weiss, and a sculptural installation by Dave Hullfish Bailey. The exhibition celebrates the speculative nature of knowledge, rejecting the common assumption that art is a code that needs cracking, and presenting works that employ nonknowledge, unlearning and productive confusion as ways to understand the world.


The exhibition takes its title from a remark attributed to Charles Darwin, who is supposed to have compared mathematical enquiry to the explorations of a blind man. However, the project also nods to The Blind Man, the journal which was co-founded by Marcel Duchamp, and a re-issue of which (by artist Sarah Crowner) is presented in the ICA's concourse. Other works here include a game by David William, which encourages visitors to engage with the idea of the fourth dimension, and a large piñata by Mariana Castillo Deball in the shape of a Klein bottle - a topological form whose outside is indistinguishable from its inside.


1 comment:

alice said...

eu quero ser esse cara atirado no sofá.