17 July 2009


this is my new film

Mrs. E. B. is recuperating from a stroke and confined in her big Knightsbridge apartment to have nice food and a new menu everyday prepared by well-know chef from Brazil. Mrs. E. B. obligation is to welcome ambassadors, celebrities, chancellors and perhaps the Queen with a big smile, nice stories and expensive Florentine biscuit, champagne, Belgian chocolate and, of course, Calli tea.

However, outside the flat, crossing the tidy and colourful garden from the building, there is a crazy woman who screams very loud when is too sunny, an unemployed rich man who spends his days watching all movies or TV series in the world, a couple of three men who struggle every night about who will be the one that will sleep on the living room.

On this film there are no murders, no suspicious of suicide, no sex…yet! The Mrs. E. B.'s helper girl is capturing those stories discreetly and persisting on her investigation…

watch on full screen and good sound equipment.

Miss C. L. is Mrs. E. B. helper.


carol de marchi said...

sem problemas pra ver, amada.

Camila said...

adorei! vou passar adiante pra uma amiga que também anda por aí cuidando as janelas. Besito.

fabiano gummo said...


Priscilla Zanini said...

Lembra demais um trabalho que fiz, ano passado.
Mas com fotos e textos, e não está no blog de escrita, aguarda ser colocado em outro.

Bom, a estética é tremendamente similar.
Sou suspeita para dizer o qto gostei.
